Vancouver Workshop

On June 30th I hosted my very first workshop at Object Handmade studio in Vancouver. I'll admit that I've been asked for workshops many times before - but I never felt qualified to teach one. Because I stumbled upon papercutting as just a fun craft, with no arts education to back me up, I just thought that I didn't have the chops to back up actually imparting knowledge.
Luckily I have friends who push me - and my friend Grace from Eikcam Ceramics encouraged me to teach a workshop at her studio when I was visiting Vancouver. So, I packed up all my goods and hopped on a plane on my way to the West coast.
Creating the papercutting worksheet was the most time consuming part of preparing for the workshop - but I'm so glad that I did it. I was surprised at how much time everyone took to practice on the workshop. It exposed everyone to different pattern ideas and allowed them to see what felt right.
Once everyone started cutting I realized that I actually had a lot of instruction to provide - and it really made me feel satisfied how quickly everyone caught on, and how much fun they were having.
Best of all though was to see everyone conceptualize their piece - and to see how different everyone's pieces were! Here are a few photos of those who finished their pieces during the workshop.
I'm feeling super confident about teaching now and I'm excited to announce a Toronto workshop this September (details coming soon!)